Subject: SEPTEMBER VICE CAPTAIN’S REPORT Division 18 1. Overall Division 18 has increased its enrollment by about 23 new members. As of this report, not all-new members have received official notification of their membership. Flotilla 18-2, 7 New Members Flotilla 18-3, 2 New Members Flotilla 18-6, 7 New Members Flotilla 18-8, 7 New Members 23 Members 2. As elected officers, it is our job to encourage leadership in this division starting with the Flotilla. 3. Division 18 has run out of Ball Caps. We are now in the process of getting an order together. 4. TCT Training; The date for our next class is Saturday, 19 October 2002. We will use the facilities at Group Moriches @ 0800. It is an 8-hour class. Cornell Caterers will cater lunch. 5. The Division COW has been finalized at our last Division Meeting. The date has been set for Sunday, 8 December 2002 and will be held at the NCO club at the Air National Guard Base in West Hampton Beach. At our next Division meeting we will discuss, having one food dish coming from each flotilla. Additional information will be distributed prior to to the next Division Meeting. 6. A proposal for amendment of the Standing Rules regarding additional Divisions Meeting(s) has been approved at our last Division meeting. This proposal allows for 5 meetings instead of 4 meetings 7. A reminder to all, Division 18’s website is being updated once a month. Please check it out. Pictured of members of 18 have been posted on the District Website from our last District Awards Conference. 8. SO-VE has requested that you take advantage of the new database on the website that has been created. The website has a request form for boat owners desiring a VSC. This form will be forwarded to you through the web server while keeping your email address confidential. The web page to "sign up" to be included in the database is found at this URL: The URL address, the visitors can access this database is this 9. Vessel Safety Check numbers as of August. August Year to Date Exams Given Passed Exams Given Passed 18-2 3 3 49 44 18-3 52 34 152 118 18-6 42 39 46 43 18-8 5 4 25 22 Totals 102 80 272 227 10. Marine Dealer Visitation numbers as of August. August Year to Date 18-2 0 11 18-3 42 74 18-6 139 211 18-8 12 77 Totals 193 373 11. Elections for DCP and VCP will be held on Thursday, 3 October 2002. JAMES H. CORNELL JR.